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royal marines (英國)皇家海軍陸戰隊〔略 R.M.〕。

royal martyr

Royal marine base chivenor , england ( ap ) ? british sailors and marines held for nearly two weeks in iran were blindfolded , bound and threatened with prison if they did not say they had strayed into iranian waters , a royal navy lieutenant who was among the capitives said friday 皇家海軍陸戰隊基地chivenor ,英格蘭(美聯社) ? ?英國水兵和海軍陸戰隊眼睛被蒙起來關押在伊朗已近兩周,一個被俘虜的皇家海軍中尉在星期五說,他們被綁起來并被威脅,如果他們沒有說闖入了伊朗的水域將被監禁。

Royal marine base chivenor , england ( ap ) ? british sailors and marines held for nearly two weeks in iran were blindfolded , bound and threatened with prison if they did not say they had strayed into iranian waters , a royal navy lieutenant who was among the capitives said friday 皇家海軍陸戰隊基地chivenor ,英格蘭(美聯社) - -遭伊朗拘押了兩個星期的英國海軍和海軍陸戰隊隊員一個皇家海軍上尉被欺騙了.他們被脅迫,如果他們不說闖入了伊朗水域,就會遭到監禁,其中一個作為俘虜的英國皇家海軍上尉在星期五透露

“ the past two weeks have been very difficult , but by staying together as a team , we kept our spirits up , drawing great comfort from the knowledge that our loved ones would be waiting for us on our return , “ they said in a statement read out by a royal marines spokesman 他們在由皇家海軍發言人代讀的聲明中稱: “我們度過了十分艱難的兩周,但是我們團結一致,振作精神,在得知我們的家人將等待我們回家后,我們感到了莫大的安慰。 ”而英國首相布萊爾則是憂心忡忡。

“ the past two weeks have been very difficult , but by staying together as a team , we kept our spirits up , drawing great comfort from the knowledge that our loved ones would be waiting for us on our return , “ they said in a statement read out by a royal marines spokesman 他們在由皇家海軍發言人代讀的聲明中稱: “我們度過了十分艱難的兩周,但是我們團結一致,振作精神,在得知我們的家人將等待我們回家后,我們感到了莫大的安慰。 ”

The former royal marine made several court appearances and served two jail sentences - spending about five months behind bars - during the 1 , 363 - kilometre trek from land ' s end in southwestern england 這名前皇家海軍從英格蘭西南部的land ’ s end出發,艱苦跋涉了大約1 , 363公里,此間曾多次面臨法庭審判,兩次被判入獄長達五個多月的時間。

British royal marines 英國皇家海軍陸戰隊

“ i was about to be mustered into the royal marines when he fell . “我剛編入皇家海軍的時候,他就倒臺了。 ”

At kajaki the royal marines are training local army recruits 英國皇家海軍陸戰隊正在卡加克訓練當地的新兵。

Mr howard , stand your men down . - royal marines , trail arms 霍華德先生,讓你的人下去-皇家海軍,拉住手!

- mr howard , stand your men down . - royal marines , trail arms -霍華德先生,讓你的人下去-皇家海軍,拉住手!

Royal marines posted every 20 yards , sir 每20碼布了一個哨卡

With the royal marines , turned mercenary and traitor 現在是雇傭兵和叛國者